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Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Today I saw God’s awesome and beautiful power and purpose. In the morning I had the opportunity to go with APRECOM, a ministry here at YWAM Rwanda that works with widows, and women with AIDs, on house visits. The house visits consisted of teams of people going to encourage the women and see how they are doing. The visits broke my heart and illustrated God’s great plan. Our first visit was with a women named Florence. At the APRECOM conference on Friday, I had washed Florence’s feet, prayed for her, and then later on gave her to Jesus when I realized that I probably would never see her again. But out of 250 women that we met Friday, God laid out an opportunity for me to spend and pray more with Florence.

Later in the afternoon I again saw how God works in mysterious and wonderful ways. We visited the home of Method and Mary, the founders and base leaders of YWAM Rwanda. Method and Mary were called to start Rwanda soon after the genocide, even though there was much danger and so much work. Their stories of encouraging, listening, and pioneering in a country that was ravaged by death and suffering was amazing. 20 years later, YWAM Rwanda is a huge organization that is changing lives all over Rwanda. And one of those lives is Laura, who God led to marry the son of Method and Mary and then that would lead to our team serving here in Rwanda. God knew from the beginning that He wanted to change my heart, the summer of my senior year, in a little country called Rwanda. 

- Carin


jen said...

I am so happy to hear about the heart work God is doing in these kids!

-Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart!-

Rebecca C said...

I am so appreciating this blog, hearing from so many of you and getting to see you all "in action". Carin, I'll love talking to you when you get back to hear how what we talked about (at the latte stand) worked out. I loved hearing about you and Kyra -- and all the other pairs of students -- confessing and praying together.