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Monday, August 18, 2008

Wednesday Night!

We're at the Rurik house this Wednesday from 5-8pm. It's FREE and there will be great food! Come over and bring some friends!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Update: Wednesday Night!

This Wednesday (Aug. 13th) we will be at the Branhams! (not the Ruriks)

It's free and there will be great food! Bring friends! 5-8pm

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Vancouver Video

Our Vancouver Trip was amazing this year. The Shareholders Dessert (held on 7/30) was great to hear all the stories from the trip. To hear of how each person was impacted differently was awesome. Don't miss our mission opportunity next year!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wednesday Night BBQ & Swimming

We are back at the Staksets for this Wednesday night!
There will be swimming (pool volleyball), BBQ, and hangout. It's free! Bring lots of friends!