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Friday, July 9, 2010

Panama 2010 - Day 11

Well, this is it! Our last night in Panama. It's hard to believe we are actually coming home tomorrow. So much has happened in the past two weeks... so much, that I know, I will never forget.

We all have stories about our trip. About the things we did and the people we met, and how we have seen God in everything that we have experienced. And so much of that is hard to put on a blog.... because whatever is written here will never capture what we have actually lived through and have seen.

I will never forget the little girl from Corundu on our second day here, who took MY hand and wanted to play with ME. I will never forget watching Joelene share her story with the teenage girls at the Orphanage. I will never forget the pounding rainstorms at Santa Catalina. I'll never forget the 9-year old girl who I sat next to in church, who shared her pinata candy with me. And I'll never forget Alejandro, the pastor of a small, brand new church, and the ways that God moved in my life there.

We all have stories. And we all are very anxious to share them with you. When we get home, ask us, "Tell us a story from Panama." And give us the space to be listened to. We want to share with you the amazing adventures that have happened down here in Panama!

But until we get home, pray for our safe travels tomorrow. Here are some pictures from today!

     Much love,


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