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Monday, November 25, 2013


This Wednesday is our annual Thanksgiving Eve service at Harbor Cov (7:00-8:00) followed by the Unofficial Movie Nite (Unofficial = you're on your own for getting tickets, rides, etc). We'll be watching Disney's Frozen. The exact time of the showing is unknown (theater has not released the show times yet) but plan on a late showing (we'll release the exact times when we know them)

Monday, November 18, 2013

M.A.D. Nite

Our first MAD night of the school year will take place THIS Wednesday (7:30-9:00)
M.A.D. stands for Make A Difference and we will be thinking of creative ways to Make A Difference this holiday season

Monday, November 11, 2013


This Wednesday we will have not 1, not 2, but 3 scientist at youth group to help us wrestle with how science and faith actually work together in a really cool way. There will be some Q&A time to go with a brief presentation. If you've ever been in a science class then this night will be perfect for you. If you've ever been to church then this night will be perfect for you. If you've ever had a science class AND gone to church then this Wednesday is a MUST ATTEND event!


Monday, November 4, 2013


Can a nature show really inspire one to change the way they live? Yes!!!
Over the years we have been inspired by flightless bady ducks, baby sea turtles, 7 foot catfish, and Demoiselle Cranes. This Wednesday a new nature show will impact Mike in strange ways and will also challenge the way each of us choose to live!
Bring a friend & bring some $$$ for our two kids in Congo