There is still NO Youth Group Wednesday (4/18) due to Spring Break. But we are however having a No Way Day on Thursday. Forms have been online about us Spelunking in the Ape Caves down at Mt. St. Helens but we won't be doing that anymore. Due to the soggy weather, we've been told that the mile hike to and from the caves would probably be very miserable (and is in no way the "No Way" we were going for).
So instead we are planning on staying in the area with what we are calling "No Way Day: Quad Tag"!
We'll meet at the church at 9am (remember to eat some breakfast) and play some "tag" games starting with a car rally of sorts. Then it's off to laser tag, then another car rally back to Gig Harbor and a finish with a game of Hoonting (think blow darts...and fun) back at HCC. We should be done by 3pm.
Those that signed up for Spelunking are automatically signed up for the day (contact Jen if that is a problem). Anyone else wanting to join us needs to contact Jen ASAP due to limited car seats.
Cost is still $15
Be at church @9am THURSDAY (4/19)
Still bring some money for a fast food meal
You don't need to be dressed for cave diving anymore but closed toed shoes and attire to be active in is recommended.