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Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Update 5/23/11


Congratulations to the PHS Softball team for becoming the district champions! Good luck at State!

Wednesday - Man Hunt! Join us for our annual race around the Harbor! Youth group this week starts at 7:00, NOT 7:30 when we usually start. We will still end at 9:00. You won't want to miss this night!

Sunday - 9:59 classes continue! Meet upstairs at 9:59 am to continue our classes together.

S.F. Mission Trip 2011

       The time has come! Make sure you are turning in your payments and shareholder forms. You have one month left to turn all of your money in!

Oasis Summer Camp 2011
       Oasis summer camp is August 8-12. To register, grab a form from the youth pod!

FORGETTABLE FACT:  If your dog lives to age 11, you ll have spent more than $13,000 on him/her.
PARTING SHOT:  What has 6 eyes but can't see? 3 blind mice.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday Update 5/9/2011


Wednesday - Switch-A-Roo Nite! Come this week as we switch up youth group with having our Middle School Director, Jen Easton, come lead the high school group! 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Sunday - A brand new bunch of 9:59 classes starts up this week! We'll meet upstairs, then break into our classes! Meets at 9:59 a.m.

SF Mission Trip 2011

            If you are going on the SF trip, remember you still need to be turning in your shares and payments! You also need to be working with your teams on planning your team fundraiser (if you haven't done one already). Also, don't forget about our training overnighter on Saturday, May 21!

FORGETTABLE FACT:  All polar bears are left-handed.
PARTING SHOT:  What did one magnet say to the other? I'm attracted to you. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday Update 5/2/11


Wednesday - Brussel Sprouts Nite! Come to youth group this week for a night of games, hanging out, and some time studying a story from the Bible! 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Saturday - May 7 San Fran Fund Raiser Garage Sale! Help spread the word about this AWESOME Garage Sale! There will even be a raffle for cool prizes! If you would like to donate something to be sold, or would like more information about the sale, contact Angela Mills 360 - 286 - 9966

Sunday - Mother's Day! Come to Sunday School this week to make a card for your mom, grandma, or someone special in your life. We will also have donuts this week! Meets upstairs at 9:59 a.m.

Summer Camp 2011

              Oasis Summer Camp 2011 Registration will open this Wednesday, May 4! Make sure to grab a brochure that night, you won't want to miss this experience! Summer camp will be August 8-12 this summer at Bridgeport State Park.

FORGETTABLE FACT: Until recently, the Pacific island nation of Nauru's economy was almost entirely based on bird droppings.

PARTING SHOT:  What's round and bad-tempered?  A vicious circle.