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Saturday, October 20, 2007

National Youth Workers Convention

So we're down here in San Diego at the National Youth Workers Convention. There's a bunch of us (me, Allison, Jeremy, Paulina, Madison, Mark, Jory, Jen, and Rachel). Friday the convention started and there were two large group gatherings. When I say large group, I mean it. There are over 3,500 adults who work with students here. David Crowder Band led worship both sessions yesterday and today we had a group from Vancouver called Starfield. Besides worship, there are great speakers, comedy, and skits. There are all sorts of late night fun things to do.
So today we went to the beach in the afternoon and had some fun, it was great.

It's great to get away for a weekend and relax. Below is a picture of Jory falling down (common occurrence).

We saw Carrie at the convention and hopefully she will get to hang out with us a little bit tomorrow.

This afternoon we kicked it at Mission Beach. While everyone was getting crazy in the waves, Jen and I read books!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Miss South Carolina

I can't believe a couple of you haven't seen this here it is...

All I have to say is "no comment"